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“他竟傻到宁愿叫巡逻队抓去,这可要给妈妈几个星期的话柄了。我发誓,黑人是越来越麻烦了。有时候我倒觉得废奴主义者的观点不错呢。”www.medabc.com.cn 江南文学网






“Well, let’s cut across untry to Able’s,” suggested

ent.“We can go through Mr. O’Hara’s river bottom and the Fontaines’ pasture and get there in no time.”

“We ain’ gwine git nothin’ ter eat’cept possum an’ greens,” argued Jeems.

“You ain’t going to get anything,” grinned Stuart.“Because you are going home and tell Ma that we won’t be home for supper.”

“No, Ah ain’!” cried Jeems in alarm.“No, Ah ain’! Ah doan git no mo’ fun outer havin’ Miss Beetriss lay me out dan y’al place she’ll ast me huce Ah let y’all git expelle’ nex’ thing, huce Ah din’

ing y’all home ternight so she uld lay yo’ den she’ll light on me lak a duck on a June bug, an’ fust thing Ah know Ah’ll be ter blame fer i y’all doan tek me ter Mist’ Wynder’s, Ah’ll lay out in de woods all night an’ maybe de patterollers git me,’cause Ah heap ruther de patterollers git me dan Miss Beetriss when she in a state.”

The twins looked at the determined black boy in perplexity and indignation.

“He’d be just fool enough to let the patterollers get him and that would give Ma something else to talk about fo, darkies are mor I think the Abolitionists have got the right idea.”

“Well, it wouldn’t be right to make Jeems face what we don’t want t’ll have to tak, look, you impudent black fool, if you put on any airs in front of the Wynder darkies and hint that we all the time have fried chicken and ham, while they don’t have nothing but ra

it and possum, I’ll—I’ll tell Ma. And we won’t let you go to the war with us, either.”

“Airs? Me put on airs fo’ dem cheap niggers? Nawsuh, Ah got bette’ Miss Beetriss taught me manners same as she taught y’all?”

“She didn’t do a very good job on any of the three of us,” said Stuart.“e on, let’s get going.”

He backed his big red horse and then, putting spurs to his side, lifted him easily over the split rail fence into the soft field of Gerald O’Hara’s plantation.

ent’s horse followed and then Jeems’, with Jeems clinging to pommel an did not like to jump fences, but he had jumped higher ones than this in order to keep up with his masters.






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