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在这种异样的昏暗暮色中,河边沼地上高大的松树,要是在阳光下会是一片油绿,这会儿在灰蒙蒙的天空衬托下,呈现一团团黑影,活像一排无法穿越的狰狞巨兽,遮挡住了在它们脚下缓缓流淌的黄水小河。河对面的上坡上,韦尔克斯家那几根高大的白烟囱,渐渐隐没在周围橡树枝叶那浓密的黑影中,唯有远处那几点吃晚饭时餐厅里亮起的灯光,才能显示出那儿是一座房屋。她周围散发着温暖湿润的春之芳香,含有新犁过的泥土气息和才吐芽的鲜绿气味。www.medabc.com.cn 江南文学网



Oh, if Pa would only e home! She uld not endure the suspense anothe looked impatiently down the road again, and again she was disappointed.

The sun was now below the horizon and the red glow at the rim of the world faded int sky above turned slowly from azure to the delicate blue-green of a robin’s egg, and the unearthly stillness of rural twilight came stealthily down abou dimness crept over th red fu

ows and the gashed red road lost their magical blood lor and became plain

ow the road, in the pasture, the horses, mules and ws stood quietly with heads over the split-rail fence, waiting to be driven to the stables an did not like the dark shade of the thickets hedging the pasture creek, and they twitched their ears at Scarlett as if appreciative of human panionship.

In the strange half-light, the tall pines of the river swamp, so warmly green in the sunshine, were black against the pastel sky, an impenetrable row of black giants hiding the slow yellow water at thei the hill across the river, the tall white chimneys of the Wilkes home faded gradually into the darkness of the thick oaks su

ounding them, and only far-off pin points of supper lamps showed that a house wa warm damp balminess of spring enpassed her sweetly with the moist smells of new-plowed earth and all the fresh green things pushing up to the air.

Sunset and spring and new-fledged greenery were no miracle t beauty she accepted as casually as the air she

eathed and the water she drank, for she had never nsciously seen beauty in anything but women’s faces, horses, silk dresses and like tangibl the serene half-light over Tara’s well-kept acres

ought a measure of quiet to her distu

e loved this land so much, without even knowing she loved it, loved it as she loved her mother’s face under the lamp at prayer time.

Still there was no sign of Gerald on the quiet windin she had to wait much longer, Mammy would certainly e in search of her and bully her into th even as she strained her eyes down the darkening road, she heard a pounding of hooves at the bottom of the pasture hill and saw the horses and ws scatter i O’Hara was ing home across untry and at top speed.







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